martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Asignación N° 3

Young: She is younger than me, but he is the youngest of all.
Cheap: The cap is cheaper than the jacket, but the socks are the cheapest of all.
Old: My father is older than my mom, but my grandfather is the oldest.
Clean: the floor is cleaner than the carpet, but the door is the cleanest of all.
Small: the white house is smaller than the yellow one, but the blue house is the smallest.
Thin: hoover is thiner than samuel, but antonio is the thinest of all.
Dirty: the yellow carpet is more dirty than the blue one, but the red one is the dirtiest.
Fat: Marialejandra is fatter than Karla, but Daniela is the fatter.
Difficult: eanglish is more difficult than math, but chainese is the difficultest.
Expensive: the black pourse is more expensive than the brown one, but the red one is the espensivest.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

2da Asignación

Pronombres posesivos:
*My: This is My favorite shirt.
*Your: I like your pants.
*His: This is his pen.
*Her: she has her ring.
*Their: These are their books.
*Our: This is our test.

1ra Asignación

Normas del buen hablante:
*Think very well what´s going to say.
*Pronounce words correctly and the propper tone.
*Let others talk when they want to express an idea.
Example: The teacher is giving the clasess.
Normas del buen oyente:
*Listen to the person who is speaking.
*Look carefully at the person speaking.
*Don't interrupt the speaker.
 Exmple: Karla is paying attention to what teacher says.